What makes the Queen’s Debating Union so special is the enduring nature of the bonds our members form with one another. We value our alumni and the contributions they continue to make to our community even after their time debating with the Union has come to an end.
We always welcome alumni attendance at our events. If you are interested in supporting the club and the Canadian university debating community by attending a tournament as an audience member, our Executive will be happy to provide you with a list of the QDU’s upcoming activities.
Once a year, our club President publishes The Mace – a newsletter specifically written for our club’s alumni. Recent issues of The Mace may be found here. If you are interested in receiving future editions of The Mace, or have any announcements or points of interest you would like us to include in our next issue, please contact us at secretary@queensdebatingunion.org.
We are always happy to hear from our club’s former members. If you are interested in learning more about the current activities of the Union, would like to hear about opportunities to watch and support the club at external tournaments, or are planning a trip to Kingston and are interested in visiting your old home at the QDU, please don’t hesitate to drop us a line.
Experientia Docet, and Cha Gheill!